Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas. It has been a great year at FBC. People continue to be so wonderful. Thanks to all for the gifts and the cards.
Many gave Sunday to help others. Many gave or tried to give that couldn't afford it. What a blessing to be at a church that really cares.
Set your God size goals for next year, and keep them. See you tonight.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We did it.

What a blessing, all of the children's names we had are gone. 100 names were taken by our church family. And they say there is an economic crisis in our country. People in this country need to come to FBC Heath to see how to care for others. We don't need wealth redistribution in our country, we need more people to follow Jesus's example on caring for others. Thank you to all who got involved.
Our Christmas with the kids is Saturday December 20th at 11:00 in the morning. Come and be a part of it. Eric Ricketts will be fixing a great meal for all to enjoy. Come and be a witness to these many families.
Don't forget the the drama on the 14th, should be a great night. See you Sunday.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Face Book

I now have a face book site. I have no clue what that means, but everybody else has one, so I guess I needed one, right? I don't know how to use it, but does it really matter. I have made some enemies in my life, the police department, and working for the State. I hope none of them see my site. Is site the right word?
Today was the first day of deer season. Haven't missed one in years, but today I didn't want to get cold and wet again, so I stayed home and went to work. Nothing more enjoyable than seeing Pastor Shawn's smiling face on Monday mornings.
Still have alot of kids names for the Christmas with the kids party, come and see me. I love Christmas, always have and always will. I enjoy helping others, but I need to do more. Christmas with kids is awesome, come and see.
God Bless

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's over

Thank goodness Michigan week is over. Thank you to all who reminded me Sunday that Michigan lost. I will have to admit it was a dreadful performance, but wait till next year.
We are going away for thanksgiving, to eat and to eat. When you go to a farm in Kentucky you must eat and eat. Many of you know what I mean. Looking forward to a relaxing time, just sitting around and watching the wind blow, and eating and eating, you get the idea.
Hope you all have a happy thanksgiving, and remember to give thanks for what we have. Many have come this week to our food pantry, who don't have what most of us have. Pray for those, it could be a rough holiday season.
Don't forget our Christmas with the kids. If you want to make a difference, come and be a part of it.
If you want, pastor Dear and I love fudge and cookies during the holidays. Feel free to bring it in anytime. God is Good.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Michigan Week

I love Michigan week. I love wearing my Michigan sweatshirt, just to aggravate people. It is amazing how many people get upset with me, but can't name a player on either team. We are so easily led, it is disturbing. Many have the same beliefs that their parents have, but couldn't tell you why. They belong to the same political party, live the same lifestyle, work the same jobs. Why am I telling you this, I really don't know. But I did watch part of a documentary on the election. If you want to humor yourself go to a website how obama got
Well what about Saturday's game. I predict, as bad as Michigan is, an upset. But who really cares, I don't. After Saturday it will still be Sunday. Two more Baptisms, people getting saved. That is what's important. GO BLUE

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Mornings

Do you ever have trouble on Monday morning, just getting started? Today is one of those days. After reading the news on the internet, it is even tougher. Today there are stories about homosexual groups storming a church in Michigan, the mayor of L.A. telling people that his Jesus would embrace same sex marriages, and a story of an elementary student being berated by his teacher for being a John McCain supporter. Isn't it great that God is good all the time? I am so glad that I know the truth, how about you.
One of those that made a decision for Christ yesterday, was a young lady I have known for quite awhile. I coached her 3 brothers in little league baseball. God is good.
Speaking about yesterday's service, how about people being saved, 3 of them, on a giving message. What is going to happen when the Pastor is done with these messages. God is good all the time. The Holy Spirit is really working in our church. God bless

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Anger Management

Many people are still very angry over the election. I just heard of one man who stated everytime he sees an Obama sticker he wants to ram his car into theirs. Well I was and still a little angry, but this is what came out of my quiet time today.
We sing a song in church once in awhile, that has the words, "God is good all the time". My answer to those who want to talk politics, or about our President elect, will be God is good all the time. If I have nothing good to say , what a great statement. He is good all the time.
Be praying for our church and church family. Many are still fighting health issues. Stop in and get a prayer list if you need one.
Had a free lunch at Leghorns today. They called it family and friend day. I just stopped in. Food was good and a good selection. Only downfall, they have a bar.
See you Sunday. Another baptism.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow,what great message Sunday night. We all need a kick in the pants sometimes. Our church will be all the better because of it.
I am still dealing with the election results, pray for me that my heart doesn't harden. I know what God's word says, and I am trying.
Next big event is Christmas with the Kids, December 20th. We will have 100 children to care for, no small task. Need a lot of people to help. Get ready.
Baptisms this Sunday,praise the Lord.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Agree

I haven't kept up with my blog for months. Honestly I really don't know if anyone really cares.

After reading Pastor Dear's blog this morning, I could not agree with him more. I want to leave my children and grandchildren a country worth living in and one worth dying for. If B. Obama is elected as our next President, I am not sure that will be the case.
I will spend most of my day on my knees, how about you? God can do mighty things. Pray for this day.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


YAC is growing. THe sports camp has been a hit. Rochele Andrews and daughter Rebecca have done a great job in our Bible study. New families have came and then came back for church on Sunday.
Kids are great. One young man, when I told him to set on the bleachers with the other kids, told me he was allergic to older kids. He never cracked a smile. I think he was serious.
Thanks to all who have made this program possible, especially thank you God.
A little side note, the team of Pastors Wally, Noel, Shawn, and Mike Knox, won the Heartbeats tourney this year. We are the Champs. Big Trophy coming. God Bless

Thursday, May 8, 2008


The closer May 21st gets, the more I start worrying about YAC. Listening to John MacArthur today preaching on Anxiety Free Living, put me under conviction.
Read Luke 12:22-34. Verse 25 says "And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" Great lesson. If YAC is going to reach children, it is not up to me, it is up to God. I feel better already.
Pray this week for the children's musical, and for our Sunday service. Remember Sunday is Mothers day. Treat Mom right, you only have one mom.
Have a great week.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Please be in prayer for Y.A.C., young athletes for Christ. Many church members have volunteered to help, now we need the kids. We have flyers available for you to pass out in your neighborhood, if you wish. We have distributed approx 4000 flyers thru the bag program the last few weeks, but we still need more.
Wish Winfrey Prater Happy Birthday, he is turning 80. I pray I am in that kind of shape when I am 80.
Have a good week, see you at the mission conference.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Promises, Promises

I promise to keep my blog updated, I promise to keep my blog updated. OK that is enough.
The church is moving at light speed this week. Mission conference is coming up. I am trying to put the final touches on it. Y.A.C. is taking shape. Still need many kids. If you know kids in your neighberhood, please invite them. The Bible study will be how to deal with it. How to deal with fear, the tongue, attitudes, anger, and many others. It should be a great study.
Sunday night was awesome. If you missed it, you really missed a wonderful night. Prayer is so vital to our church at this time. We are growing and God is just waiting to hear from you. Pray, Pray, Pray.
Thank you to all who attended the Prayer breakfast, it was a great time.
On a personal note, the golf challenge between the Pastors is underway. I won't tell you how it has gone so far, but will start reporting the scores from now on. Sorry Pastor Shawn, and Pastor Dear. See Ya

Monday, March 10, 2008

Snow day

Having a snow day from church is weird isn't it. The church parking lot is still not plowed. Gene has been working many hours to get it cleaned. What a blessing he has been.
I enjoy the snow, but now I am ready for spring. Golf, baseball, all those fun things are right ahead of us. But with all this global warming, we probably wont see spring for 2 more months.
I hope Al Gore is proud of himself. First the internet, now he has created the endless winter.
Continue to pray for Linda Bauer's daughter, Kristy. The servives will be tomorrow. Tough times, but what faith Kristy and her husband Chris have shown.

See you all Sunday

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mission Team

Well they got off. The team left the church around 4:00. Many showed up to see them off and pray. Keep them in your prayers, and their families also.
Looking forward to Pastor Floro preaching the next 2 Sunday mornings. Myself and Troy will do the P.M. services.
I pray people will not grow lazy while the Pastor is gone. See you Sunday