Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Agree

I haven't kept up with my blog for months. Honestly I really don't know if anyone really cares.

After reading Pastor Dear's blog this morning, I could not agree with him more. I want to leave my children and grandchildren a country worth living in and one worth dying for. If B. Obama is elected as our next President, I am not sure that will be the case.
I will spend most of my day on my knees, how about you? God can do mighty things. Pray for this day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Wally:
I care. And, I'm sure many others do as well. Unfortunately, modern technology often intimidates some to the extent that they're not sure how to reply (doesn't mean they wouldn't have), but don't be discouraged. Check out - I Peter 5: 1-11. I pray that Jesus will bring all of us the peace we are desperately searching for. These are definitely some trying times, but as I've said many times before; if this is as close to hell as we ever get, then everything's going to be alright. God will lead us through the good and the bad. Hang in there my dear brother! I'm praying for you and the state of our great country. Our church and community should be extremely grateful to have men of God such as yourself leading the way, and setting such a positive and scriptural standard.