Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Mornings

Do you ever have trouble on Monday morning, just getting started? Today is one of those days. After reading the news on the internet, it is even tougher. Today there are stories about homosexual groups storming a church in Michigan, the mayor of L.A. telling people that his Jesus would embrace same sex marriages, and a story of an elementary student being berated by his teacher for being a John McCain supporter. Isn't it great that God is good all the time? I am so glad that I know the truth, how about you.
One of those that made a decision for Christ yesterday, was a young lady I have known for quite awhile. I coached her 3 brothers in little league baseball. God is good.
Speaking about yesterday's service, how about people being saved, 3 of them, on a giving message. What is going to happen when the Pastor is done with these messages. God is good all the time. The Holy Spirit is really working in our church. God bless

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