Monday, April 9, 2007

Wonderful Easter Day

Ditto on the Pastor's comments about our services yesterday. Great messages,great music, baptisms, and people being saved. You couldn't ask for more than that. I agree, why can't every Sunday be Easter.

Remember Bob Banks in prayer this week. His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. Remember also Beulah and Phyllis Carty, both are at Arlington nursing home.

The first week of baseball season is over, and what a week it was. Can you believe playing baseball in the snow, outrageous. One of our members, who will remain anonyomous, was at the Indians opener, and actually spent another night waiting for the games to begin, of couse it's hard to play in the snow. Get a life Mr. Moyer.

See you all next week, more baptisms. God is good.

1 comment:

sean said...