Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I had an opportunity to visit Beulah and Phyllis Carty at arlington nursing home this week. For those of you who do not know these ladies, Beulah is in her mid to late 80's, and Phyllis is her daughter and is retarded. Phyllis is 58 or 59. Phyllis had to be placed in the nursing home and because Beulah is so devoted to her she put herself in the nursing home also. They have adjoining rooms, and Beulah cares for her like a new born baby. I don't believe I have ever witnessed such devotion. Beulah has devoted her whole life to her daughter.
After my visit I thought that is exactly how God treats us. God continues to care for us through all the good and bad times of our lives. He will never leave us or forsake us. I thank Him for people like Beulah. Let me encourage you to visit the Cartys, or send them a card. They would so appreciate it.

Also let's all pray for the senseless tragedy at Virginia Tech, and for the families and friends of those who lost their lives. The familes certainly will need it.

God bless

1 comment:

sean said...