Thursday, April 12, 2007

I wonder

What in the world is going on? Gay clubs in Newark high school, whatever used to be right is now wrong. You can't voice your opinion, for fear of offending someone. I for one have had enough. When Christians are afraid to stand up and voice their opinions, we have lost the battle. Where was the oposition from Christians against the gay club, I don't believe there was any.
What are we leaving to our children in this world. Where will we be 50 years from now? I can remember where we were 50 years ago.We still could worship God in school, kids were not killing their parents, our country still had values, but look now. I pray God will forgive us for what we have become.
Well enough ranting and raving. Bob Bank's surgery went as well as can be expected. Pray for Bob's recovery, he is at Grant hospital. Pray for the church, as we have a very busy 2 weeks ahead of us. Global Focus and the worship pastor candidate will take up the majority of our time. We have more baptisms scheduled, God is still blessing us. Thank you God.
As I close, please do your part in helping our city, our state, and our country, in getting back to what God would have us to be.
Oh, by the way, look at the new dollar coin, and see if you can find "In God we Trust".

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