Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I don't know

Did you ever have one of those days, that your mind just doesn't want to cooperate? Well today is one of those days. Maybe it's the weather, or maybe I just don't have anything to say. Regardless, the church is hopping today, missionaries are coming in, Carla and Linda are working hard, things are a little busy.
Pray for the week, and pray for Sunday, 2 more baptisms, and many more to come.
In closing, the pastor is ahead of me in fantasy baseball, but I am only letting him feel good for a while. Wally's warriors will prevail.
See ya Sunday

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I had an opportunity to visit Beulah and Phyllis Carty at arlington nursing home this week. For those of you who do not know these ladies, Beulah is in her mid to late 80's, and Phyllis is her daughter and is retarded. Phyllis is 58 or 59. Phyllis had to be placed in the nursing home and because Beulah is so devoted to her she put herself in the nursing home also. They have adjoining rooms, and Beulah cares for her like a new born baby. I don't believe I have ever witnessed such devotion. Beulah has devoted her whole life to her daughter.
After my visit I thought that is exactly how God treats us. God continues to care for us through all the good and bad times of our lives. He will never leave us or forsake us. I thank Him for people like Beulah. Let me encourage you to visit the Cartys, or send them a card. They would so appreciate it.

Also let's all pray for the senseless tragedy at Virginia Tech, and for the families and friends of those who lost their lives. The familes certainly will need it.

God bless

Thursday, April 12, 2007


If you think things are as bad as they can get, look at page 7a of tonights Advocate. A census is being taken to determine how many people in central ohio are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender. As if that isn't bad enough, look at the sponsers, Abercrombie & Fitch, The United Way, etc. Those of you who give money to the United Way, or shop at Abercrombie & Fitch, may want to ask God what He would have you to do.

The results of this survey will be used to strenghen the gay community. Shame on our generation.

I wonder

What in the world is going on? Gay clubs in Newark high school, whatever used to be right is now wrong. You can't voice your opinion, for fear of offending someone. I for one have had enough. When Christians are afraid to stand up and voice their opinions, we have lost the battle. Where was the oposition from Christians against the gay club, I don't believe there was any.
What are we leaving to our children in this world. Where will we be 50 years from now? I can remember where we were 50 years ago.We still could worship God in school, kids were not killing their parents, our country still had values, but look now. I pray God will forgive us for what we have become.
Well enough ranting and raving. Bob Bank's surgery went as well as can be expected. Pray for Bob's recovery, he is at Grant hospital. Pray for the church, as we have a very busy 2 weeks ahead of us. Global Focus and the worship pastor candidate will take up the majority of our time. We have more baptisms scheduled, God is still blessing us. Thank you God.
As I close, please do your part in helping our city, our state, and our country, in getting back to what God would have us to be.
Oh, by the way, look at the new dollar coin, and see if you can find "In God we Trust".

Monday, April 9, 2007

Wonderful Easter Day

Ditto on the Pastor's comments about our services yesterday. Great messages,great music, baptisms, and people being saved. You couldn't ask for more than that. I agree, why can't every Sunday be Easter.

Remember Bob Banks in prayer this week. His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. Remember also Beulah and Phyllis Carty, both are at Arlington nursing home.

The first week of baseball season is over, and what a week it was. Can you believe playing baseball in the snow, outrageous. One of our members, who will remain anonyomous, was at the Indians opener, and actually spent another night waiting for the games to begin, of couse it's hard to play in the snow. Get a life Mr. Moyer.

See you all next week, more baptisms. God is good.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Easter is almost here. Regardless of the weather, we should be in a worship mode so others will see Jesus in us. Don't forget to invite someone to church this Sunday, they will receive quite a blessing.
Wednesday night I had the opportunity to pray with a young lady after Awana. She told me that she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart. I am so blessed to be able to do what I do, and be able to share in the happiness when people make that decision. Although she is only 10, I keep thinking that is the way we all should come to Christ, with the faith of a little child. I am hopeful she will be able to be baptised this Easter Sunday.
God Bless and have a wonderful day.

Monday, April 2, 2007

New Week

A beautiful day to start the week. Plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures. Easter week is always special to me. It brings back many memories of Easters past. I remember sunrise services and breakfasts at the church. I miss those, but I am very sentimental, as you all know.
A wonderful service last night, very different than what we are used to, but very moving. Thanks to the Deacons who arranged it.
On a sad note, some of you know that the 16 year old girl that was murdered last week, was my sister's grandaughter. Pray for the family as they grieve this week. A difficult week for them, even though a joy filled week for most of us. We need to remember that in the midst of the storm, God proves His love for us. Pastor Tim Carr will be doing the funeral service on Wednesday, pray the family will be open to the message.
Have a great week,see you Wednesday.