Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rain Rain go away

My first disappointment of the year.Rain washed away an attempt to play golf.It will get better soon.
The NCAA tourney resumes tonight.Sorry Buckeye fans,they will play their last game tonight.They had a good season,but it is over now.
Baseball is right around the corner,Go Tribe.
The church continues to be healthy,nothing serious I am aware of. Look for a dramatic change in our intercessory prayer ministry coming soon. Prayer breakfast is set for Sunday may 20th,at 8:00 A.M. A good breakfast will be served,including Pancakes and sausage,and some special speakers.
Pray for the Pastor on his attempt to buy his new home,it will make him feel better,when it is over.God Bless and Go Tennessee!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I just wanted to let you know that we have a PRAISE for you to add to the list. We had asked for prayer for Margaret (Grandma) Keen Wednesday, as she suffered a stroke on Tuesday. We found out today that her doctors have completed their tests and they are baffled, they can not figure out why, since she suffered a "major storke" she seems to be fine. They were so suprised they released her from the ICU to Newark Health Care for a few days and then she can go home.