Thursday, April 24, 2008


Please be in prayer for Y.A.C., young athletes for Christ. Many church members have volunteered to help, now we need the kids. We have flyers available for you to pass out in your neighborhood, if you wish. We have distributed approx 4000 flyers thru the bag program the last few weeks, but we still need more.
Wish Winfrey Prater Happy Birthday, he is turning 80. I pray I am in that kind of shape when I am 80.
Have a good week, see you at the mission conference.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Promises, Promises

I promise to keep my blog updated, I promise to keep my blog updated. OK that is enough.
The church is moving at light speed this week. Mission conference is coming up. I am trying to put the final touches on it. Y.A.C. is taking shape. Still need many kids. If you know kids in your neighberhood, please invite them. The Bible study will be how to deal with it. How to deal with fear, the tongue, attitudes, anger, and many others. It should be a great study.
Sunday night was awesome. If you missed it, you really missed a wonderful night. Prayer is so vital to our church at this time. We are growing and God is just waiting to hear from you. Pray, Pray, Pray.
Thank you to all who attended the Prayer breakfast, it was a great time.
On a personal note, the golf challenge between the Pastors is underway. I won't tell you how it has gone so far, but will start reporting the scores from now on. Sorry Pastor Shawn, and Pastor Dear. See Ya