Thursday, May 24, 2007


Wow, what a last couple of days. Last night, Bill Marriott, and myself, helped lead a young lady to the Lord. Her name is Lynn McGuire. Please pray for her and her family, as there are some problems in the home. This morning I had my first session with a couple I am marrying in August. Their names are Robert and Taren. Robert professed to being a Christian, but Taren couldn't. She prayed this morning to accept Christ as her Savior. I am going to baptize them together on June 3rd.
God is so good. We all need to be ready when He puts someone in front of us.
Have a great Memorial weekend. Carol and I plus 3 grandchildren will be traveling to Kentucky for the weekend. Be back Monday. God Bless

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


A young man who played ball for me, years ago, is coming to see me any minute. He is bringing his 9 year old son to see me. His son made a decision at the upward award night, to accept Jesus as his savior. I believe dad and mom will be saved also.
Next week, I am going to see a young lady, who wants to know how to be saved. Tough job, but somebody has to do it.
Church is growing, my golf game is awesome, people are being saved, God is good. Now I need to get my fantasy baseball team going.
Just found out Jerry Falwell passed away. A good Godly man, a man who served God with everything he had. Pray for the family. See you soon.

Friday, May 4, 2007

End of the week

Friday is finally here. A good week at FBC. Pastor Dear is almost finished moving, and I know he must be happy about that. His baseball team is suffering because of the move, but it sure didn't make me mad.
One more sports note, my partner and I are in first place in our golf league. Sorry Steve.
I just read an e mail about a statement that Andy Rooney made on CBS. Now I believe that Andy Rooney is a senile liberal old man. If he indeed made this statement, somebody must have spiked his prune juice. Let me know if want me to e mail it to you, it is awesome.
Hope to see everyone here Sunday. I believe it is going to be a great day. God Bless